Wednesday, February 2, 2011

La Chandeleur

While my American counterparts are celebrating Groundhog Day today {Feb 2} and watch to see if a folkeloric groundhog sees his shadow, determining how much winter is left to suffer through. I'm going to side with the French and celebrate La Chandeleur, a holiday you celebrate by eating crepes. Originally a religious holiday, Candlemas, the French have turned to making crêpes to celebrate the first signs of spring (and a coin is sometimes hidden as a symbolic link to the religious holiday). I'll take that! To learn more about the holiday, complete with a recipe for crêpes, check out Clotilde's blog Chocolate & Zucchini.


  1. Hold on. A holiday centered around crêpes? How is this the first I'm hearing of this most sacred and delicious of days?

  2. I know what I'm having for dinner!

  3. Um, favourite holiday!

  4. I remember how JAZZED I was when I first heard about this holiday. We need more food related holidays in America!

  5. Inspiring! Crepes are now on the menu for tonight, indeed! Thank you.

  6. I got a snow day but my husband didn't, so I'll see if I can convince him to stop at the store on his way home to pick up ingredients to make crepes for dinner! Thanks for the explanation!

  7. best. holiday. ever. bring on the crepes!!

  8. Brilliant! Only the French. They really know how to celebrate good food.


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