Thursday, July 12, 2012

French Lessons: le bronzage cycliste

Down in Nice, where there was actually sun (le soleil) and not enough sunscreen (la crème solaire), I learned an important term for summer: le bronzage cycliste. Given the Tour de France is on now, there is something charming that the French have dubbed these unfortunate tan lines after cyclists, rather than the English equivalent of a "farmer's tan." I'm surprised I don't see more bronzage cycliste (as in Il a le bronzage cycliste) at the Paris swimming pools – where speedos are required for men – but then again, I suppose there is not enough sun here.

French Lessons is an ongoing series where I teach you French words and cultural lessons while beefing up my Illustrator skills. And today I learned how to make my first animated gif!


  1. and you have le brozage du routier (I would rather say le bronzage du cycliste rather than le bronzage cycliste) where you can see the T-shirt tan lines :)
    Happy summer!

  2. @Karine, this one was definitely the hardest yet to illustrate! The leg animated gif seemed like a funny solution. I had asked a French friend and she had said "le bronzage cycliste." I'll see what feedback I get today and update if need be.


  3. Hehe, absolutely love that. And what a cute way to show it!


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