Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Paris à la Nage
If you haven't noticed, I love having new experiences. Swimming has long been a passion of mine (I'm a picsces afterall), and I keep myself entertained – and sane – in Paris swimming pools by writing about said experiences (see here and here – talk about a cultural experience!). So I'm excited to announce that I'll be swimming my first long distance, open water swim in the Seine on September 2nd. I kind of love telling people because I either get a "that's awesome" or "eww, that's disgusting" response. At least I opted for the 2.5km rather than the 10km, Olympic distance. Either way, if you're in Paris on Sept 2nd, come cheer me and 2,999 other swimmers on! (There may be a few slots left, but last week it sounded like it was getting full!). In the meantime, stay tuned for more Paris swimming pool tales to come, because, man, do I have stories!
Check out the fun promo video above for La Traversée de Paris à la Nage. You can follow them on Facebook and Twitter as well!
p.s. If anyone has wetsuit advice or ideas of how cold the water is going to be, please share in the comments!
I think I'm in the "ew, that's gross" camp BUT I'll come cheer you on!
ReplyDeleteThis is more than exciting!! I watched the suggested documentary "Seine sauve" and it reassured me a little on the quality of the water :P I have sent the link to my guy friends and we will see if they are as brave as you are hehehe
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, I will be cheering for you and the other Seine mermaids on Sept.2nd!! woohoooo
I really have no knowledge of biohazard (what you call "wet") suits, so I can’t be of much help. But good luck. 2.5 km is a lot of swimming!
ReplyDeleteNico, Simon et Coton are adorable! Courageux!
ReplyDeleteBest to you also on the 2nd.
Ciao Nancy
Thanks, all!
ReplyDeleteI forgot to mention it's the first time they're doing the swim in 60 years, so I suspect the water quality is indeed improved. Plus, there were swimmers a few weeks ago for the triathlon, and everyone survived.
Going to be interesting open water + learning to swim with a wet suit.
I love Paris pools and haven't been enough this trip.
ReplyDeleteI'm going tomorrow morning.
BRAVO for doing this!
I read about it when it was 1st announced and was thrilled though I'm not tough enough a swimmer to do it. I wish I was.
I love swimming as well but have never done any long distance open water swimming. I prefer to get the push off from each flip turn, haha. Good Luck! I hope it isn't cold!
You are so brave !
ReplyDeleteI almost signed up for the race but a friend of mine did the Paris triathlon and told me about how sick he got from the water and it just turned me off... but to be honest the jury is still out on this one
For the wetsuit go at a shop that sells those special suits for triathlons, or a full length thin wetsuit... like 2mm
Do not trust them with the quality of the water of the Seine; but sport is sport and one day is one day. I guess the temperature of the water will be almost the same as the temperature of the sea in the seasort beaches of Bretagne. Just google for the temperature of the sea in a well known seaside resort. Good luck and good sport. You are a great sport woman.
ReplyDeleteThe temperature of the sea in Saint Malo is : 17º Celsius.
I suppose the Seine about the same.
Temperature of the sea at Honfleur: 16º C.
ReplyDeleteWould love to try this one! Swimming on a long distance open water. But this new experience is definitely worth it!