Monday, August 13, 2012

Bloggers Guide to Paris

I've written about Paris countless times, so much so that I even created a Visit Paris page on my blog. But the fact remains that when it comes to certain subjects there are others who are far more expert than I. So I figured I'd put together this post which I'm dubbing the "Bloggers Guide to Paris" where I help introduce you to some other great people and resources for exploring the city by linking to some of my favorite posts they've written. I'm sure there is so much I've forgotten, so please help me out by sharing your favorite finds in the comments. I'll do my best to keep this post up to date as I find new discoveries as well.

You will never be at a loss for things to do in Paris. Following many of the bloggers featured in this post will be one of the best ways to keep up with the latest of what's going on. Here are a handful of ideas try, GoGo Paris, PefectlyParis's Facebook page, Kim's Unlock Paris, Meg the urban explorer behind De Quelle Planète Es-Tu?, Adam's Invisible Paris, Picselo through the eyes of a stylist, concierge/blogger Savoir Faire, VingtParis, Le Citizen Hotel blog, Secrets of Paris calendar of events, Hip Paris, 10 Days in Paris, Fathom's Paris guides and itineraries, Untapped Cities, Unlike Paris, Gigs in Paris (music), This is Naive's Lo-Fi Paris guide and my look at the best seasons to visit Paris.

Every neighborhood in Paris has its own sense of place, and it's worth the effort to visit some of the less talked about ones. Heather breaks them down nicely on her Secrets of Paris, and the summer of 2011 I invited some of my favorite bloggers to share their neighborhood in my Tour de France project.

See here.

The pubic transportation in Paris is some of the best in the world, and is further aided by the fact that it's a very walkable city. I share my advice for getting from the airport (even from Beauvais), David Lebovitz has a nice break down of the transportation options (and talks about airports here).

There are no lack of chefs and foodies in Paris, and many of them are generous enough to share their favorite places. Don't miss David Lebovitz's round up (he also includes a great run down of restaurant etiquette), Paris by Mouth's restaurant guide (including vegetarian options, and is also great for holiday closures), British chef Rachel Khoo's top picks + map, Lindsey of Lost in Cheeseland's faves, Wendy's The Paris Kitchen, and Le Fooding. Both Le Figaro and My Little Paris have compiled their favorite terraces in the city. Forest of 52 Martinis is the one-stop shop for the best cocktails in Paris, and O Chateau is good for wine happenings.

Everyone has their favorite pastry stop in Paris, but it's up to you to find yours. David Lebovitz and Heather Stimmler-Hall teamed up to create the extensive Paris Pastry e-book and app. Amy Thomas of God I Love Paris shares her favorites on the National Geographic blog as well as in her book, Paris My Sweet, which is chock full of addresses. La Cuisine is the perfect place to pick up some skills yourself with a cooking class. And if you're craving a little taste of America, stop by Sugar Daze's new location in the 9th for a delectable American-style cupcake.

One of the most appealing aspects of Paris is how international and diverse it is. AFAR put together a wonderful post which encourages people to explore "the other Paris." Similarly, Hejorama put together a bicycle world trip in Paris together which captures the spirit of the ethnic neighborhoods around the city.

It's fun to think of Paris as a giant scavenger hunt for urban art. Space Invaders have been dotting the streets (and world) for years, Paris Street Art is a site devoted to mapping the street art in the city, and photographer Sivan Askayo introduced me to the fun style of Fred Le Chevalier.

Paris has a long and rich literary history. Paris Book Club is a new site devoted to celebrating Paris through literature. Fathom has compiled a fantastic guide to literary Paris. Shakespeare & Company and WH Smith often have readings and events, and Sion of Paris {im}perfect is my go-to blogger on the subject, and Secrets of Paris has a nice list of Paris-based writers.

In the past most of Paris, like many European cities, shut down. These days you'll find more things open, but still it is a day unlike the others. Fathom and Hip Paris share a few ideas.

Paris is admittedly not the most kid-friendly city in the world, but Hip Paris, Jordan of Oh Happy Day (she also shares more from their expat experience and fun finds), my cousin, and David Lebovitz have put together posts that will hopefully help you out. Also, the WSJ has a charming article about visiting Paris through children's books.

It's the people who help make up any place. In her series "Franco File Friday" Lindsey of Lost in Cheeseland looks at the role of francophiles, and in "The Dream Life" series Kasia of Love in the City of Lights looks at the stories of how many of us came to live in France.

When it comes to big cities Paris is on the small size, and for those of us who live here it feels very much like a village. But that being said, it's also really easy to pop out for a day trip, and the trains. Try Gary Lee Kraut's France Revisited, Meg of Du Quelle Planète Es-Tu?'s beautiful images around France, Jennifer's Chez Loulou who has lived in the south of France and Normandy (and knows a lot about cheese, as she's working towards tasting them all!) or the elsewhere in France participants of my Tour de France project.

Going on a tour doesn't make you a tourist, and they can be a great way to explore the city you live in. There are some great ones to help get you under the skin of the city: Vayable offers "experiences" from locals around the world (I offer a "Navigate Paris" tour), Context Travel is great for art and history tours, both Paris by Mouth and La Cuisine Paris offer food tours, Gary of France Revisited and Heather of Secrets of Paris offer private tours, and David Lebovitz offers group gastronomy tours from time to time.

Some of my favorites are David Lebovitz's Paris travel tips, Lindsey of Lost in Cheeseland's and my visual travel tips.

Don't forget my Travel Anywhere Guide, Visit Paris, and Live in France pages!


  1. WOW such a comprehensive and fantastic round-up! Sincere thanks for including me!

  2. What a great resource! And thanks for including me in your list. Happy to be the go-to blogger for literary Paris! ; )

  3. Amazingly generous post on Paris in-outs and resources here. Thank you Ann!

  4. Great round up of all of the wonderful people and services in Paris! Thanks for including me Anne!

  5. Such a great idea to compile all the Paris blog information out there!
    I'm sure many future visitors to Pars (and France!) will be glad that you took the time to write this.

    Also, thanks for including me! :)

  6. Well excellent blog on travel's guide....the info share in it is of extra-ordinary class...great blog for me...

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  7. I love what you have put together. I actually reviewed some of your old posts when I created my own itinerary for Paris and what a great help it turned out to be.

    Thanks for making a stay in this city even more enjoyable. I am, like many, head-over-heels in love with Paris and cannot wait to go back for more adventures!


  8. Wonderful! Thanks so much for including me! :)

  9. Fabulous list of resources. Thanks a million for including HiP Paris!

  10. Next year before I come (like how I am already planning my trip just one day back?!) I am going to go through each and every link in this post so I don't miss a thing. Or at least, so my list is as comprehensive as it possibly can be. Great job!

  11. You are amazing for putting all of this together! Really great!

  12. Merci! Merci! Merci! Thank you all for the kind words. So happy you all find it as helpful and interesting as I do. I love that everyone has their own personal take on the city.

    I was off giving 2 tours of Paris yesterday when this post went live and warmed my heart to see all the great feedback.

    Happy travels!

  13. Excellent piece and I'm so very pleased that you included us - thank you so much! X

  14. So helpful. Love this, Anne! A great resource for anyone visiting the city.

  15. This is such a great post, thank you so much for sharing :)

  16. What a great list! Love the categories and rely on many of these sources for ideas on things to do, places to see in Paris.

  17. One of the best cities to travel with kids! Awesome parks, fabulous museums and other great family-friendly attractions that will just blow your kids minds.

  18. Fabulous links and great to see so many friends mentioned here in the one place. Looks to be a pretty comprehensive guide to Paris bloggers!!

  19. Paris looks like a great place to visit. I am glad that there are a lot of things to do for the little ones as well.


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Happy Travels!
