As soon as Priyanka Pandit sent me over her zines, I think I've Zine This Before and The Most Beautiful Thing I've Ever Zine, I knew she'd be the perfect person to end my mini BOARDING PASS hiatus. I love her illustrative style that just helps transport you places in an inviting way. As soon as I opened her responses I was pleasantly surprised to see how she chose to answer the questions and instantly smiled. I've always been a fan of the combination of word and image, and I think we get an awesome sense of how she sees the world today. Thanks, Priyanka! –Anne
home town:

- website/blog:
- from days working on a ship here + here
- Bombay series
- Paris series
Zines - Egypt
- I Think I've Zine This Before
- The Most Beautiful Zine I've Ever Zine
- Snake Stories
BOARDING PASS is a regular column exploring the creative ways people travel.
what a truly charming post - it is the second I have read today with real handwriting - a vanishing art which hopefully is making a comeback!!