Thursday, November 15, 2012

Luxury Inspiration / FlipKey

Recently I was at a bookstore and picked up a copy of Breakthrough! a new book about overcoming creative blocks, citing tried and true tips some from top creatives. One of the tips by writer Claire Dederer suggests checking into an expensive place to stay for three nights (noting this only works if you're on the cheap side). As someone who values frugality, I'm positive a dose of luxury – aka more space – would do my inspiration and productivity good. When FlipKey reached out to me about their Paris rental properties, I thought it'd would be the perfect time to start day dreaming about a working getaway.

I don't know about you, but I am not a big desk person. Ever since I was in high school I've always clung to the kitchen table – I like to feel there's space in front of me, I suppose. So anywhere I'm to stay I'd definitely want a big table where I can spread out.

This place in the Luxembourg/Latin Quarter in Paris isn't so much luxury, but welcoming and cozy. The table is big enough for my working space, the chair and lamp is great for reading, and I just love the soft grey color palette.

Meanwhile, this place in the 3ème is a good reminder of how important natural light is to me while I'm working. If I can't be outside, I may as well pretend I need to keep the sun out of my eyes.

That same apartment has this lovely balcony. While this week has been a brutal reminder that winter is coming in full force, I can still dream about warmer days and creating my own private cafe. It's still working from a table!

After having bit of back trouble when I first started freelancing from learning to set limits of chair time, I find myself yearning for a standing desk. This island table is the perfect size to spread out and I love that I could easily move from sitting to standing. The Louvre/Chatelet location of the apartment is super central too.

But if I was truly going to splurge I'd go for this 'Alesia Villa'.  I love the natural light, greenery (you don't get much nature in Paris) and style. Or maybe I'd save this place to have a big party to celebrate my latest breakthrough! But if I was working here, I like that it's a bit outside the major hustle and bustle of Paris.

What are your top qualities you'd look for in a place you'd work/stay?

This post is supported by our friends at FlipKey and helps make quality content on Prêt à Voyager possible. FlipKey is a vacation rental marketplace with more than 160,000 rentals around the world. Click here for the Paris rentals.
All images via FlipKey.



  1. Love this tip! And love that you're getting to try it out! I've also heard of creatives going away somewhere all by themselves just to write and that idea is so tempting to me lately. I think I'm craving a little solitude!

  2. Emily, yes! It's so hard to unplug sometimes. These places seem so great to sit back and relax.


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