Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Best Commercial Ever.

I try not to get commercial on here very often, but every now and then there's something that catches your eye and you have to share. A couple weeks ago Samsung launched their Galaxy Note 2 in France and made a special video for the launch. I have to admit, it features so many of my favorite spots (or at least recognizable – to me). But the real icing on the cake is the fun way they integrated the illustrations of Dutch artist Tineke Meirink, which bring the city alive in a whole different sense. It's just plain fun. You can read more about the pub (that's French for advertising) here.

This is not a sponsored post. And even as an iPhone lover, I ADORE this! Three cheers for creativity.

Merci, Elodie for sharing!


  1. Thanks for that-what a treat! ~christine

  2. It was the first video I've seen in the morning and it totallement made my day :)Paris is a magic place indeed. Thanks for sharing, Anne!

  3. We talked about it at work, awesome ad!

  4. Nice, I like commercials when they're great :)

    Is it just me, or does the guy in the commercial look like the lead from L'Auberge Spagnole? :)


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