Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Friends of the Internet Gift Guide

A few weeks ago the Anthology magazine gift guide launched with some of my favorite travel finds. I've never been particularly good at putting together gift guides, but there was something about this year that feels different. I came to the realization of how fortunate I am to have met so many talented friends thanks to the internet who inspire me to no end. The gift guide became less about finding cool gifts, but supporting all the awesome projects my friends are up to. It almost became too easy, and I'm know there are so many more great projects worthy inclusion, but I don't have all day. The secret to this guide too is that it's not just for the holidays, it's for all year round. So without further ado, my Friends of the Internet Gift Guide!

Magazines. Sure we live in a digital world, but getting something in the mail is always a joy. Besides, a subscription to a magazine means it's the gift that keeps on giving. Anthology is a beautiful magazine devoted to substance and style (I contributed two articles last year). Kinfolk celebrates small gatherings (art directed by Amanda Jane Jones, and includes an article by yours truly this month [No.6]!). And, AFAR is a collaborative travel guide (my favorite travel magazine and many of my friends are active on their online platform).
Who says you have to give someone things for the holidays? My favorite kind of gifts are of the intangible kind. Gidsy is an online platform offering unique activities around the world (you can find my offering for InDesign workshops here). Skillshare's motto is "learn differently" and is my latest addiction. You can find a wide range of online courses to build your skill set, and are very affordable! (P.S. Watch out for me there in the new year). Vayable has become one of my favorite things to be a part of in the past year. The platform specializes in hand-picked experiences from locals around the world. It's the perfect gift for the traveler (and if you're coming to Paris, check out my Navigate Paris experience). Alt Summit has become one of the top blogging conferences in the U.S. But for those who can't make it to the [sold-out] conference in Salt Lake City this January, they offer highly beneficial $15 online classes each month through the Alt Channel. Co-working has become a major theme in my life in 2012 and Make Shift Society makes me very happy. Rena Tom and Victoria Smith (SFGirlbybay) are just two of the talented women behind this space. If you're in the Bay Area, definitely consider a membership! Finally, Blogshop. I was lucky to meet Bri Emery and Angela Kohler when they came through Paris, and it's super inspiring to see how they've been able to travel the world teaching people valuable photography, photoshop and blogging skills. (Better yet, get your boss to send you to one of their classes!)

Beautiful books. In moving I realize that there's not much I love more in the world than a beautiful book. From left to right, top to bottom: Grace Bonney's Design*Sponge at Home full of inspiring interiors and DIY projects,  D*S Senior Editor Amy Azzarito's Past & Present which bridges the decorative arts with modern DIY projects (ok, this doesn't come out until March, but you can always give an IOU), photographer and jewelry obsessed Jen Altman has a new book called Gem & Stone as well as beautiful scarves using her images, The Where, The Why, & The How, which is the latest collaborative endeavor of Julia Rothman + the Also team and pairs up essays from scientists about how the world works by 75 talented illustrators (I got to go to a book signing in Brooklyn. Don't miss the promo video),  Leela Cyd aka Tea Cup Tea photographed Sasha Davies's new book The Cheesemaker's Apprentice, and Joy Cho released the latest in her informative "Inc." series – Blog, Inc.

When it comes to place, there a few books not to miss. Nichole Robertson aka Little Brown Pen is behind Paris in Color (her husband also sells great illustrations), Varham Muratyan released a larger coffee table friendly version of his clever Paris Versus New York illustrations, and Maryam Montague aka My Marrakesh's long awaited Marrakesh By Design came out (I was working with Maryam in Marrakesh on a directed study a couple years ago when she was working on the book).

If you're looking for a bit of alternative Paris inspiration, food just may be your ticket. Rachel Khoo's The Little Paris Kitchen (originally on the BBC) is just starting to air in the US (catch me in episode 6!) and her book still is only out in Europe (due out in the US through Chronicle this spring), but if you cook in metrics and order from abroad this makes a great gift. Burger fans should check out Kristin Frederick of Le Camion Qui Fume's new book of recipes: Burgers: Les Recettes du Camion Qui Fume (just be warned, so far it's only en français). And then there's David Lebovitz. I will forever love The Sweet Life in Paris, but Ready for Dessert makes a great gift as well (for people who actually cook). 

Next up: travel-forward French creators. Hejorama has a fun and amusing series of "J'aime Paris" t-shirts. Their studio mate Julie Sarperi of Carnets de Traverse has some cute new travel-friendly notebooks in her shop.

Who doesn't love art? Brittany Watson-Jepson of The House That Lars Built has her designs plastered on iPhones, skateboards, calendars (left) and more. Kate Bingaman-Burt is a Portland-based illustrator doing awesome things. I love her poster of "tools for making" personally (center). 

Who says fashion has to be permanent? Tattly is a temporary tattoo company started by SwissMiss and based out of Brooklyn featuring tons of awesome work by artists and illustrators from around the world. For the holidays they have special gift sets, subscriptions and gift cards. And on the flip side Rubi Jones of She Let's Her Hair Down is doing special pop-up hair party events in Paris, San Francisco & Salt Lake City this season. Too fun! I'll be getting done up this weekend at Wanderlust.

The coolest thing about all my internet friends is how entrepreneurial they are and not afraid to think outside the box and try something new. Sivan Askayo's work (left) has been published all over, but I particularly love how she's started "New Yorker for a Day" photo sessions for folks visiting the Big Apple. She travels a lot so you may be able to catch her elsewhere as well. Of equal photo love is Ashley Ludaescher of Chasing Heartbeats (right). She's based in Berlin and specialized in weddings and engagement sessions, and will make you look good while you enjoy a special moment. How great would a photo shoot be for the holidays?

Happy Holidays, Internet! Thanks for all the inspiration! And the crazy thing!? I've been so fortunate to meet the creatives behind everything I've posted (with the exception of AFAR, but we interact on Twitter sometimes). I'm already thinking of so many more great things/people to include, but to save my sanity, the rest must go into the comments...


  1. Love these items, Anne! It's so true how wonderful it is to see & be proud of your friends & their accomplishments. Makes the things you gift to someone that much more meaningful! Hope Christmas is wonderful in Paris for you!

  2. What an excellent guide! Have been on the hunt for some unique coffee table books for a long time and I love the look of the Marrakesh by Design book. Loved Little Paris Kitchen as well and now will have to re-watch to spot you!

  3. so great anne! thanks for including me!

  4. Love this idea of a gift guide, and thanks so much for including me!

  5. you're the sweetest, Anne! Thanks so much for the shout out!

  6. So many good choices, I found some spots I had never heard of which I absolutely love!


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Happy Travels!
